Worship Questions

20131208-072846.jpgI’d like to ask you some questions, if you don’t mind. Questions that pertain to worshipping God. Please feel free to write your thoughts and comments, as I think it would be good to develop some dialog between us. Thanks.

1. Why should a church schedule time each week to sing songs?

2. How much time do you think should be devoted to singing?

3. Is the sermon more valuable to a congregation than singing?

4. If so, why sing? If not, why not have all music?

5. Which do you prefer; fast or slow songs? Why?

6. Do you enjoy singing the old hymns, or are you more drawn to a contemporary style?

7. If you could change just one thing in your church, in regards to its music, what would it be?

8. Do you have times of personal worship outside of a church service?

9. What do you think worship in Heaven will be like? Describe, please.

10. Is it possible to have a “heavenly” worship experience here on earth?

Thank you for responding. May God bless you with His Presence today, and always!

2 responses to “Worship Questions”

  1. 1) yes 2) half hour? i love to sing tho! 3) yes God’s Word should take presedence (sp?) 4) Singing prepares my heart to be ready for the sermon 5) fast – i dont like repetition and i like to be challenged with a new song about one time a month to expand my horizons. 6) i love the hymns but i love contemporary also. 7) not too loud that i cant hear my partner next to me sing! 8) in the car with my radio on-sure i look funny driving down the road! smile! 9) Continuous praise to Jesus for all He has given to us! 10) oh yes!


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